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Moore M.G. and M. Koble (eds) (1995) Video-based Communications in Distance Education. University Park, Pa., The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.
Moore M.G. and M. Koble (eds) (1997) K-12 Distance Education: Learning, Instruction, and Teacher Training. University Park, Pa., The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.
Moore M.G. and G. Cozine (eds) (2000) Web-based Communications, the Internet, and Distance Education. University Park, Pa. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.
Moore M.G. and N. Shin (eds) (2000) Speaking Personally About Distance Education. University Park, Pa. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.
Moore M.G. and J. Savrock (eds) (2001) Distance Education in the Health Professions. University Park, Pa. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.