2023 La tecnología digital como un apoyo a la enseñanza. Master Class presentation webinar: Learning Development and Innovation Center (Docentia), Universidad Autónoma de Chile.
2022 Address (by video) of congratulation at the opening of 30th international conference on distance education. University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
2020 From the 20th to the 21st century in 15 days: The abrupt transition of our educational reality to digital environments. Keynote address (by video) to 1st Online Educational Conference of the Media Pedagogy Research Group of the University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. 3 July
2019 The learner’s part in distance education: theory and practice. Public lecture at Instituto Profesional (IACCE), Santiago, Chile, May 16
2018 Looking at the roots of distance education. Keynote address to Teaching and Learning Festival and Open Learning Conference (by audio teleconference). Pretoria. South Africa 4 September
2017 Distance education in a time of change. Address on receiving Honorary Doctorate Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 22.
2017 Address to Convocation on receiving Honorary Doctorate. Athabasca University, Canada, June 8.
2017 Teaching at a distance. What does our tradition offer today? Athabasca University, Canada, June 7.
2016 Changing pedagogy for distance education for the 21 century. Academic year opening lecture. Universidad Estatal A Distancia (UNED) San Jose Costa Rica October 11
2016 Innovation and societal transformation: the challenge for education, Keynote speech at the conference organized by the Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain, April 4
2016 Tradition and Innovations: Getting the right Mix. Speech at closing ceremony of European Distance Education Network conference, Budapest, Hungary. June 19.
2015 Current developments in distance education and e-learning. Symposium on e-Learning and personalized Learning: Visions and Challenges. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain, May 13.
2015 E-Formation des adultes et des jeunes adultes. Lille, France. 03 June
2014 Looking at the present by looking back: a review of 25 years of editorials in The American Journal of Distance Education Kos, Greece, July 5
2013 Looking back and looking forward. U Nordic Development Camp, Gratangen, Norway, 17 june
2013 Welcome to the ICICTE. International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Crete, July 5
2013 Transforming E-Learning. Keynote speech at International conference on e-learning and distance education. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, February 4
2012 Designing for learning: from modern to postmodern in theory and practice. Congreso Internacional de Educación a Distancia, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 26
2012 Changing pedagogies, changing technology and changing organizational systems for Open and Distance Learning. Address to University of London Centre for Distance Education, Senate House, London, UK. May 24
2011 Online learning and social media in education. Speech to language teachers Annual Convention. Bourbon Hotel, Atibaia, Brazil. Nov. 20.
2011: “Continuing education and distance education.” The 2011 International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, July 7.
2011: “Towards the university of the future.” Keynote presentation to the Norwegian Study Centre Network. Bristol Hotel, Oslo, Norway, May 25
2010: “The dynamics of networking: Pedagogy and organization.” Keynote address at the conference Open Distance Learning and ICTs: New Dynamics of Achieving Education for All. Shanghai, China. TV University, May 21.
2010: “Virtual systems: A new organizational paradigm for open and distance learning.” Invited address to eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain, June 8.
2010: “Media inspirations for learning. Keynote talk at European Distance Education Network Annual Conference, closing plenary session. Valencia, Spain, June 12.
2009: Cambridge University, U.K. Von Hugel Institute Centre for Educational Research and Development:“The future of Open, Distance and E-learning”, February 5.
2009: The Open University (U.K.) “Cross-cultural issues in distance education”. June 8,
2009 University of Reading, UK. Workshop at a conference on “Learning and the Global Community” July 3 – 4.
2008: “A multi-linguistic, multi-cultural collaboration for promoting research on distance education and access to education”. Chair and speaker at panel of the European Distance Education Network Fifth Research Workshop, Paris ,21 October
2008 “Transactional Distance and Virtualization”. Keynote address to International Council for Distance Education Latin American conference. Dominican Republic (25 November).
2008: “The scholarship of distance education: knowing the foundations of our practice: keynote address to “Guide international workshop: “e-learning and multicultural education: digital divide and digital opportunities” Rome Italy, May 15
2007 Monitoring and Evaluation. Invited lecture to the National Institute for Distance Education, Maputo, Mozambique. October 10th
2007 “The history of scholarship of distance education: a (largely personal) review of 40 years of growth and achievement. Keynote address to 4th International Conference on Open and Distance Learning Athens, Greece. 23 November
2007 “Research in distance education: Then, now and in the future ?” Keynote address to Annual faculty seminar. Athabasca University, Canada. Sept. 19th
2007 “Web 2.0: mirage or metamorphosis?”. Keynote address to Brazilian Association for Distance Education, 13th International Conference. Curitiba, Brazil. Sept 3rd
2007 Distance learning in a technological era: what’s the difference? Invited presentation to University of Brighton Learning and Teaching Conference. Brighton, UK. July 13
2007 “The bottles are new, but what of the wine? Managing Learning and Teaching in Web 2.0″ Keynote address to European Distance Education Network conference. Naples Italy. June 14th
2006″Transactional distance theory”. Invited presentation to European Distance Education Network research conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 27
2006″Choosing and Using new technologies in Open and Distance Learning”. Keynote address to 20th Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities. Kunming, China. October 12th
2006 “The application of educational technology in higher distance education in USA”. Presentation at ceremony conferring honorary professorship. Shanghai, China. October 10th
“Distance Education: an American View”. Keynote address to International Forum on Distance Education 2006. South China Normal University, Guanzhou, China. May 22, 2006.
2006″Reflections on the concept of distance education”. Keynote address to the Rektor Otto Peters invitational symposium. The FernUniversitaet, Hagen Germany. May 18
2005 “Towards best practice in distance education: the way forward”. Keynote address to the Vice-Chancellor’s symposium, Massey University. Auckland, November 14,(Also in Palmerston North and Wellington, Nov. 16 and 18.)
2005 “Professional development, graduate study and research”. Keynote address to the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia annual conference, Adelaide, November 9, 2005.
2005 “Distance learning and distance learners: theory and practice”. Lecture to Ed.D. course, University of Bath, June 29, 2005.
2005 “Cultures Meeting Cultures in Online Distance Education”. Public lecture at Centro di servizio per le tecnologie e la didattica universitaria multimediale e a distanza. University of Milan. May 23, 2005.
2005 “Design and delivery of e-learning”. One day workshop presented to faculty and staff of CTU (Center for e-learning) of the University of Milan and the NewMine Laboratory of the University of Lugano, Milan, May 24, 2005.
2005 “Learners and learning in e-learning”. Public lecture at Centro METID, Politecnico di Milano. May 25. 2005.
2005 The literature of research in distance education. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Feb. 4th, 2005
2004. Distance Education in the digital age: Challenges and Actions, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, San German PR, October 15,
2003.Emerging models of collaboration for national and international e-learning. Plenary presentation to “Online Educa Barcelona” conference. Barcelona, May 7th
2002. “Reflections of distance education leaders”. Panel at North American Regional Distance Education Conference. Calgary Alberta. May 29,
2002 Developments in US distance education publication. Presentation to Learning and Teaching Unit. Manchester Metropolitan University. July 7th
2002 Distance Education and Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age. Keynote address. Asian Association of Open Universities Seoul, Korea November 5th,
2002 Planning Courses and Programs in Distance Education. Keynote address Ministry of Education, Brazil and UNDP Brasilia, Brazil Dec. 2
2001 “Setting up and managing a distance education system”. Invited address to Centro de Educacao Superior a Distancia. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27,.
2001. “International distance education”. Invited address at Ministry of Education, Brasilia, Brazil, July 26,
2001. “International developments in distance education”. Invited address to Universidade Nacional Educacion a Distancia, Madrid, Spain, June 14,
2001. “International developments in distance education”. Invited address to Universidade Oberta Catalania, Barcelona, Spain, June 7,
2001 “Technology and the changing world of distance education: The American experience”. Keynote address to Second Conference on Technology in Education. Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland, May 25,
2001. “Distance education publication and research”. International Council for Distance Education world Conference. Dusseldorf, Germany, April 5,
2001. “Brazil’s teacher education program”. International Council for Distance Education world Conference. Dusseldorf, Germany, April 3,
2000. “Open and distance learning research agenda for the 21st century.” Keynote address to Conference on Research as Professional Development. The Open University of Hong Kong, June 21,
2000. “Distance learning trends in the US”. Invited address to “Distance Learning, Global Trends” conference sponsored by Ministry of Education at the Parliament building, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 24, 2000.
1999. “Distance education and Teacher education”. Invited presentation to WorldBank and Inter-American Development Bank conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, June 28-30, 1999.
1999.”Learner support in distance education”. Invited address to teacher education conference sponsored by Ministry of Education. Cuiba, Brazil. Jan. 18, 1999.
1998. “Distance education and development in the Information Age”. Keynote address to Second International Distance Education Conference. Ankara, Turkey, May 4-8, 1998.
1997. “Distance Education, national and international development.” Keynote address to Conference on Information Technology in Distance and Open Learning. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. Malaysia, Feb. 27, 1997.
1997.”American perspectives on distance education.” Presentation made at institutions in Pretoria, Capetown, Durban and Johannanesburg, South Africa during tour in 1996 and 1997.
1996. “How to design and implement a distance learning system” Workshop for State Secretariat of Education, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Dec. 2- 4, 1996.
1996. “International collaboration in distance education”. Invited address to Second International Conference on Distance Education in Russia. Moscow, Russia, July 2, 1996.
1996. “Technology Enhanced Learning: the Case of South Africa” UNESCO, Paris, France, June 28, 1996.
1996.”Research Perspectives in American Distance Education”. Invited lecture at the University of Rome, sponsored by Dipartmento di Scienze dell’Educazione Laboratorio di Pedagogia Sperimenatale. Rome, Italy, March 5, 1996.
1995. “Overview of Internationalism in Distance Education”. Keynote speech to Sixth International Conference on Technology and Distance Education, UNED, San Jose, Costa Rica, Oct. 25, 1995.
1995. “Teaching Penn State’s Distance Education Courses in Four Countries”. Presentation at International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, June 27, 1995.
1995. “Trends and Directions in Research”. Panel presentation to workshop at University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K., June 24, 1995.
1994 “Trends and Needs in Distance Education Research.” Keynote address to the First International Conference on Distance Education in Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, July 5, 1994.
1994 “Distance Education: Possibilities and Challenges.” Talk at opening session of Finnish‑Estonian co-operative project to develop distance education in Estonia. Esko Centre, Tallin, Estonia, June 20, 1994.
1994 “Distance Education as a Strategy at Penn State University.” Talk to principals of vocational institutes and polytechnics. Lahti Research and Training Centre, Finland, June 18, 1994.
“Learning in the Future.” Presentation to Finnish Association for Future Studies, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 16, 1994.
1994 “Distance Education for Corporate Training.” Opening of conference at the Bank of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, March 11, 1994.
1994 “Distance Education for the University in the ’90’s”. Magisterial lecture at University of Vera Cruz, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Feb. 14, 1994.
1993. “Los Siete Pecados Capitales de la Educacion a Distancia”. Keynote address to Second International Conference on Distance Education, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, Nov. 27, 1993.
1993. “Course Design and Interaction.” Seminar given to Finnish Board of Education, Hakenieenkatu, Helsinki, Finland, June 18, 1993.
1993. “Research in Distance Education”. Series of lectures and workshop at University of Umea, Umea, Sweden, June 15 ‑ 24, 1993.
1993. “International Distance Education”. Workshop at Lahti Research and Training Center, Finland, June 9‑10, 1993.
1993. “Distance Education, International Perspectives”. Seminar at Tallin Technical University, Tallin, Estonia, June 7‑8, 1993.
1993. “Design of Teleconferencing”. Two day workshop for the Sampo Insurance Company, Conference Centre, Seili Island, Finland, May 31 ‑June 2, 1993.
1993. “Designing Audio and Audio Graphic instruction”. One day workshop for Swedish Defence College of Management. Karlstad, Sweden, May 28, 1993.
1993. “Distance Education for Corporate Training”. One day workshop given to corporate trainers in Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden, May 27, 1993
1993. “Effectiveness of Distance Education.” Keynote presentation to conference at Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San Jose, Costa Rica, March 15, 1993.
1993. “Qualitative Evaluation.” Opening of conference at Sub‑Secretariat for Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Mexico City, Mexico, March 10, 1993.
1992. “Distance Education for Military Training.” Workshop given at the Swedish Army War College, Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 18, 1992.
1992. “Fundamentos Teoricos de la Educacion a Distancia”. Keynote presentation to First International Conference on Distance Education”, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, Dec. 6, 1992.
1992. “Teleconferencing in the Theory and Practice of Transactional Distance”; “Finland’s Experiment in Distance Education.” Presentations at International Council on Distance Education World Conference, Bangkok, Nov 9‑12, 1992.
1992. “Introduccion a la Educacion a Distancia Para Personal de Intelmex.” Workshop for Mexican Telecommunications Corporation. Inttelemex Training Center. Mexico City, Mexico, July 30‑31, 1992.
1992. “Distance Education and Teleconferencing.” Lecture at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, July 28, 1992.
1992. “Distance Education: An Option for Employee and Customer Training”. First workshop given to trainers in Mexican corporations. Sevilla Palace Hotel, Mexico City, Mexico, July 26‑29, 1992.
1992. “Teleconferencing in Distance Education.” Seminar given at Fernuniversitat, Hagen, Germany, June 22, 1992.
1992. “Potential Finnish‑Hungarian Collaboration in Distance Education.” Opening of workshop at University of Szeged. Hungary, June 18, 1992.
1992. “Teleconferencing as a Tool for Corporate Training.” One day workshop for Sampo Insurance Co., Turku, Finland, June 15, 1992.
1992. “Development of National Training Program in Distance Education.” Workshop given for universities of Turku, Helsinki, and Yvaskylla. Seili Island, Finland, June 3‑6, 1992.
1992. “Distance Education and the Concept of Flexiwork.” Lecture at University of Turku, Finland, June 2, 1992.
1992. “Distance Education and Health Education.” Lecture to University of Turku School of Nursing, Turku, Finland, May 26, 1992.
1992. “Further potential in Finnish Distance Education.” Seminar at the University of Helsinki‑ Lahti Research and Training Center. Finland, May 21, 1992.
“Introduction to Distance Education.” Workshop for military and civilian trainers, University of Karlstad, Sweden, May 14‑15, 1992.
1992. “Media and Technology: Implications for Distance Education.” Lecture at National Autonomous University of Mexico, April 28, 1992.
“1992. New Technologies in Distance Education.” Public lecture at Consorzio per l‑Universita a Distanza, Rome, Italy, March 11, 1992.
1992. “L’istruzione a Distanza Negli Stati Uniti.” Lecture at Centro di Ricerca Istruzione a Distanza. University of Rome, Italy, March 10, 1992.
1991. “Distance Education and Higher Education” Lecture at University of Turku, Finland, Dec. 11, 1991.
1991. “Designing and Evaluating Distance Education Programs” Workshop for staff of University Centre for Extension Studies, Turku, Finland, Dec. 9, 1991.
1991. “American Distance Education.” Address to invited audience of Russian educators, University of Leningrad Extra‑Mural Department, Leningrad, USSR, Aug. 17, 1991.
1991. “International Distance Education.” Public lecture at Lahti Research and Development Centre, Finland. Aug. 15, 1991.
1991. “Distance Education in America and the World.” Public lecture sponsored by Institute of Modern Technology at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. March 15, 1991.
1990. “International Collaboration in Distance Education.” Opening address at inaugaral meeting of Finnish Association for Distance Education. Hotel Hospitz, Helsinki, Finland, Dec. 12, 1990.
1990. “International Research in Distance Education”. Invited response to keynote address at World Conference of International Council for Distance Education. Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 6, 1990.
1990. “International Research in Distance Education.” Opening talk to International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) Workshop, Macuto, Venezuela. Nov. 2, 1990.
1990. “Kokemuksia Etaopetuksesta” ‑‑ “Teaching at a Distance”. Lecture to Education faculty, University of Turku, Finland, Aug. 17, 1990.
1990. “Future of Education and Self‑directed Learning”. Presentation to International Congress on Managing Capacity in the 21st Century. University of Helsinki‑Lahti Research Centre, Lahti, Finland, Aug. 14, 1990.
1989. “Developments in American Distance Education” Address to Norwegian Institute for Distance Education, Voksenhausen, Norway, Dec. 8, 1989.
1989. “Developments in American Distance Education”. Address to N.K.I. and invited educators, Oslo, Norway, Dec. 6, 1989.
1989. “Teleconferencing in Distance Education”. Keynote address at Conference on Interaction and Independence, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Sept. 22, 1989.
1989. “Developments in American Distance Education”. Lecture at University of Helsinki‑Lahti Research Centre. Lahti, Finland, June 21, 1989.
1988. “Report on the First American Symposium on Research in Distance Education.” Presentation of a panel organized and chaired at the World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education. Oslo, Norway, Aug. 11, 1988.
1988. “Principles of Independent Learning Revisited.” Address to faculty of the Universidad Nacional Abierta, Caracas, Venezuela, March 3, 1988.
1985 “Effective Teaching at a Distance”. Keynote address to First Distance Education Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Aug. 5, 1985.
1985. “Distance Education: the Near Future”. Invited closing address to First Distance Education Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Aug. 8, 1985.
1984. Review of Research in Distance Education”. Keynote address to European Home Study Council annual convention, Oslo, Norway, Nov. 9, 1984.
1984. “Self Directed Learning”. Invited lecture to ZIFF, (Distance Education Research Center), FernUniversitat, Hagen, Germany, Oct. 19, 1984.
1984. “Developing an Open Learning System”. Invited lecture to Bank of Montreal Training Institute, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2, 1984.
1983. “Open Learning”. Invited lecture at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 30, 1983.
1983. “Counselling in Distance Education”. Presentation to International Conference on Counselling. Downing College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Sept. 22, 1983.
1982 “Adult Education and Cultural Development”. Invited address to East‑West Conference on Adult Education, Murikka, Finland, Aug. 18, 1982
Presentations and addresses 1986 – 2020 in U.S.A.
2020 . Now what: teaching and learning in a time of radical uncertainty and dislocation. Webinar panel presentation at City University of New York, School of Education. December 2. Available at: 20201202 Now What.mp4 (
2018 The boundaries of the campus: reflections on the heritage of distance education and independent learning. Public lecture at Wisconsin Historical Society Auditorium Madison Wisconsin, October 24
2018 Address to graduates. US Army Sergeant Major Academy, El Paso Tx. August 21
2017 Blended Learning: The Convergence of Online and Face-to-Face Education. Stevens Institute of Technology, 5th Annual Learning Technology Exposition April 24th
2016 Teaching Online, Why and How: Let’s begin with the Why? Kent State University Ohio November 10
2016 Applying the Wedemeyer legacy today; presentation at University of Wisconsin annual conference, Madison, WI, Aug 9
2015 Looking forward by looking back, or if we lost our way let’s look at where we came from. Presentation at University of Wisconsin annual conference, Madison, WI, Aug 13
- Beyond the Basics: Improving Teaching and Learning in Distributed Courses. Workshop address to Penn State faculty at Conference Center, Penn State New Kensington, April 13
2011 E-Learning Comes of Age, What’s on the Horizon? Keynote address to conference at Manhattan Community College, New York, March 31
2011 The Changing Face of Distance Education. Keynote speech to Faculty Development workshop, University of Pittsburg School of Nursing. May 2
2011 E-Learning Comes of Age, What’s on the Horizon? Keynote speech to Manhattan Borough Community College Faculty development workshop. New York, January 31
“The scholarship of distance education”. Keynote address to 25th anniversary conference on distance education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 6th, 2009.
“The promise of new technology in distance education. Keynote address to the 2007 Arizona Adult Education State Conference. Phoenix. Az. December 12th, 2007
“Online education: it takes a team” Keynote address to conference of the
Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities and Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education. Cincinatti, February 23rd, 2007
“ Distance education and teaching online”. Keynote address to Instructors’ Forum, the Association of Surgical Technologists. February 11th, 2007 San Antonio.
Revisiting Distance Education’s Legacy. Western Consortium for Educational Technology, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 13, 2004
Distance Education in the digital age: Challenges and Actions, Universidad Inter-Americana de Puerto Rico, San German PR, October 15, 2004.
Effective distance education instructional design. Video interview for Roadmap to Effective Distance Education project. University of Florida. May 13, 2003.
Distance Education and Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age. Keynote address. New Directions in distance education Research. Keynote address New Directions Forum University of Wisconsin-Madison and Sloan Foundation Madison, Wisc. Aug. 15, 2002
Research on Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC). Invited address to IVC in K-12 Settings conference. South Central Technology in Education Consortium. Dallas, Tx. Oct. 18, 2002
A model for teacher training by distance education. Invited presentation to national Roundtable on Strategies for US-Developing country Collaboration in Distance education. USAID and the Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development. Washington DC October 24th 2002.
The Synergy of Learning and Technology. Keynote address to Maryland Distance Learning Association. Annapolis, April 18, 2002.
Developing and teaching your first online course. International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville. April 10, 2002.
Face to face and distributed adult learning. Panel presentation to Conference on Adult Learning. Harvard University. April 29, 2002.
“The Distant Learner: Independent and Interacting” Invited address to Symposium on the Autonomous Learner. The National East Asian Languages Resource Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 18, 2001
“Distance Education: A New Challenge”. Keynote address to the Second Conference on Distance Education of the College of Health Related Professions of the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. May 4, 2001.
“Taming Technology: What the Future Holds for Continuing Education,”. Invited video-conference keynote to Region 1V ACHE, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, March 9, 2001.
“Socio-economic Linkages in the New Economy” Panel presentation to Society of Government Economists conference on The New Economy. Washington D.C., Nov. 17, 2000.
“Globalisation of Distance Education”. Keynote address to Institute for Leadership in Distance Education. Conference Center, The Pennsylvania State University, July 1, 1999.
“Making Distance Education Work”. Two day workshop for World Bank personnel, W.B. Headquarters, Washington DC. April 8-9, 1999
“New Trends in Distance Education”. Keynote address to Second Conference of the Puerto Rico Distance Education Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan 29, 1999.
“Distance Education in the Information Age”. Keynote address to American Association for Library and Information Science. Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 26, 1999.
“Globalization of Distance Education”. Keynote address to Institute for Leadership in Distance Education. Penn State University, July 1, 1998.
“Distance Education: the Big Picture”. Invited presentation to Faculty Planning Day, School of Information Studies, University of Syracuse, NY. April 24th, 1998.
“Can we Maintain Quality in a Distance Learning Environment?” Invited panelist at Georgia Adult Education Association. St. Simons Island, Ga., March 10, 1998.
“Research in Distance Education”. Presentation to International Council for Distance Education World Conference. The Pennsylvania State University, June 4, 1997.
“When and How Does Distance Education Work?” Invited panel presentation at World Bank Human Development Week, University of Maryland Conference Center, March 25, 1997.
“New Approaches to Managing the Future” Invited presentation to Fulbright Exchange Program Conference, Library of Congress. Washington D.C., Nov. 20, 1996.
“State of the Art in Distance Education Technology”. Invited presentation to TechNet seminar, WorldBank, Washington D.C., June 5, 1996.
“Quality in Distance Education”. Presentation to National University Continuing Education Association 81st Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 29,1996.
“ Research Perspectives in Tele-education”. Keynote address to Mid-America conference. Ball State University, Muncie, In., Feb. 23rd 1996.
“Developing Effective Systems for Distance Education”. Invited panel presentation at World Bank Professional Training Week, Landsdowne, Va., Jan. 9th, 1996.
“Emerging Applications of Distance Education”. Invited presentation to training seminar at the Learning and Leadership Center, World Bank, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1995.
“Distance Education Certificate Program: Training Local Facilitators”. Invited presentation to CREAD (The Inter-American Distance Education Consortium). The Pennsylvania State University Conference Center, Oct. 23, 1995.
“What Does the Research Say About Distance Education?” Invited presentation to PSU Dept of Continuing and Distance Education conference on “Exploring the Potential of Distance Education”. The Pennsylvania State University Conference Center, Oct. 20, 1995.
“International Potential for Distance Education”. Invited presentation to conference on distance education at the Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Fl., Oct. 7, 1995.
“Distance Learning and Technology in International Education.” Invited presentation to Pennsylvania Council for International Education annual conference. Harrisburg, Pa, Oct. 5, 1995.
“Developments in Distance Education”. Keynote address to Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) Tri-Regional Conference, Long Branch, NJ. April 27, 1995.
“Faculty Responses to Distance Education” Invited presentation to 23rd Annual Conference on Higher Education and Collective Bargaining. Baruch College, New York, April 24, 1995.
“Offering Penn State’s Certificate in Distance Education to Four Countries by Teleconferencing”. NUCEA Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, April 7, 1995.
“The Wider World of Distance Education” Invited address to International Distance Learning Conference, (IDLCON), Crystal City, Washington D.C., March 23, 1995.
“Distance Education for Employee and Customer Training”. Series of presentations at University of Wisconsin‑Madison Department of Engineering workshops on Distance Education for Employee Training. Summers, 1990‑96.
“Distance Education Research.” Invited address to conference on research in distance education, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tx., April 28, 1994.
“The Adult Education Program’s International Distance Education Initiative”. Invited panel presentation to Council of Academic Deans and President’s Advisory Council. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. April 6, 1994.
“Distance Education in the Corporate Sector”. Invited presentation to
Central Pennsylvania chapter of Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Schlow Memorial Library, State College, Pa. April 1, 1993.
“Making Cost Effective Distance Education a Reality.” Invited presentation to Eighth Annual Conference on Distance Education, University of Wisconsin‑Madison, Wi. Aug. 7, 1992.
“Distance Education and Corporate Training.” Invited presentation to seminar at Ford Motor Corporation, Dearborne, Mi., April 7, 1992.
“Distance Education: An Academic’s View.” Invited talk to University Task Force on Distance Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Pa. March 31, 1992.
“Distance Learning: A Health Manpower Strategy.” Invited contribution to California State University workshop for health educators from Southern Africa. Long Beach, Ca., Feb. 17‑19, 1992.
“Current Topics in Distance Education Research.” Invited talk to annual training workshop of Pennarama. University Park, Pa. Nov. 5, 1991.
“Practice and Potential of Distance Education.” Invited presentation as the first in Penn State’s Continuing Education Scholars Lecture series. Keller Conference Center, University Park, Pa. Nov. 19, 1991.
“Evolution of Distance Education: The Conceptual Context”. Invited address to conference of the State College and University Systems, Charleston, WV., Sept. 26, 1991.
“A Historical Perspective and Objective Look at Distance Learning.” Keynote address to Professional Development Seminar, Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Spokane, Wa., July 12, 1991.
“Computer Conferencing in Context of Theory and Practice of Distance Education”. Invited keynote address at National Conference on Applications of Computer Conferencing to Teacher Education and Human Resource Development. Ohio State University, College of Education, Columbus, Oh., June 13, 1991.
“Distance Education and Telecommunications in Post-Secondary education.” Invited address to Forum on the Teaching of Distance Education. Oklahoma State University. Norman Ok., June 3‑4, 1991
“Developing Co-operative Distance Education Projects.” Panel presentation at Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL, Feb. 17, 1991.
“Integrating Distance Learning Resources and Approaches”. Invited presenter and seminar leader. Second National Distance Learning Conference of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Scottsdale Arizona, June 26‑29, 1990.
“Applications of Distance Education in a Global Society”. Panel presentation at The International Teleconferencing Association, Washington, D.C., June 13, 1990.
“Interaction in Distance Education”. Panel presentation to Educational Telecommunications Division. National University Continuing Education Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1, 1990.
“International Distance Education”. Co‑presenter with Keith Harry to The Independent Study Division, National University Continuing Education Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 30, 1990.
“Overview of Distance Education ‑‑ Theory, Concepts, and Outcomes”. Invited presentation to Departments of Nursing and Education, York College of Pennsylvania, Pa. April 6, 1990.
“Technology and Innovations in Training”. Invited panel presentation at the American Defense Preparedness Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 16, 1990.
“Report from New Mexico Conference”. Invited panel presentation to Association for Development of Computer Instruction Systems. Washington D.C., Nov. 15, 1989.
“Developments in Distance Education”. Invited talk to the Office of Educational Research and Information, Washington D.C., Nov. 14, 1989.
“International Developments in Distance Education”. Invited panel presentation to National University Teleconference Network. San Jose, California, Oct. 23, 1989.
“ICDE in International Distance Education”. Invited presentation at pre‑conference seminar given at University of Wisconsin Annual Conference on Distance Education. Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 8, 1989.
“The Concept of Interaction in Distance Education”. Panel presentation to National University Education Association National Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 16, 1989.
“International Dimensions of Distance Education”. Invited address to International University Consortium Annual Meeting, University Park, Maryland, April 6, 1989.
“Distance Education: Higher Education and Corporate Partnerships”. Invited talk to “The Alliance” of trainers in major corporations. AT&T Training Center, Morristown, NJ, Feb. 22, 1989.
“Report on the World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education”. Presentation at the United States Distance Learning Association meeting, Anaheim, California, Oct. 11, 1988.
“Comparative International Adult Education.” Invited presentation to the National University Continuing Education Association Regional meeting, Skytop, Pennsylvania, Oct. 6, 1988.
“American Distance Education Research.” Opening address to the First American Symposium on Research in Distance Education, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa., July 25, 1988.
“Teaching Graduate Courses in Adult Education by Teleconference.” Panel presentation at the International Teleconferencing Association conference, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1988.
“Quality Distance Education, the Open University Experience.” Panel presentation at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology annual convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan. 18, 1988.
“Lessons from the Open University.” Panel presentation at Telecon VII Conference, Anaheim, California, Nov. 11, 1987.
“Technological Innovation”. Panel at American Association of Adult and Continuing Education. Washington, D.C. with J. Apps, D. Gueulette, S. Imel and E. Askov. Oct. 21, 1987.
“Self Directed Learning and Distance Education.” Panel at Commission of Professors of Adult Education: Washington, D.C., with H. Long, R. Brockett, K.Atman and B.Sisco. Oct. 20, 1987.
“Towards a National Agenda of Study and Research.” Keynote address to Seventh National Conference on Adult and External Degree Programs, American Council on Education. Memphis, TN, Oct. 8, 1987.
“Innovation and Creativity in Distance Education.” Keynote address to Inter-service Correspondence Education Conference, Gunter Air Force Station, Montgomery, Al., Oct. 6, 1987.
“Formative Evaluation of Audio‑Teaching”. Panel presentation at Third Conference on Distance Education, Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 6, 1987.
“Lessons from the British Open University”. Sixth Annual Conference on New Technology and Higher Education, Orlando, FL, Feb. 19, 1987.
“Purpose and Practice of Home Study in the 1990’s”. Keynote address to National Home Study Council, University of Notre Dame, IN, Oct. 9, 1986.
“Learners and Learning at a Distance.” Keynote address to: Improving Teaching at a Distance Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 7, 1986.
“An Overview of Adult Learning at a Distance”. Invited presentation to Education in the Information Age conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 29, 1986.
“Effective Teaching at a Distance”. Keynote address to First Distance Education Conference, University of Wisconsin‑Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 5, 1985.
“International Perspectives on Distance Education”. Invited public lecture at University of Northern Illinois, De Kalb, IL., July 17, 1984.
“Developments in British Distance Education”. Lecture to Adult Education Department, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL., Oct. 16, 1982.
“Adult Education by Distance Education”. Invited address to Adult Education Department at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, Nov. 2, 1981.
“International Developments in Distance Education”. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Anaheim, California, Oct. 29, 1981.
Principal teleconferences:
Illustrating pioneering work in using audio, video and computer networks to teach at a distance, particularly internationally.
Instructional sessions by video-conference for World Bank Learning and Leadership Center to groups of participants in “Currency Options” course in Peru, Dominican Republic, Lithuania, Pakistan. Feb.-March 1998.
“Teaching, Learning and Information Technology”. Audio-conference presentation to Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley conference at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY. April 20, 1996
“Distance Learning: an Overview”. Lead item in series of audio-conference presentations to corporate trainers organized by Conference Plus Inc. Jan. 26th, 1996
“Audio Conferencing for Distance Education”. Audio-conference presentation to Distance Education conference in Portland Oregon, March 2nd, 1995
” Techniques of Teleconferencing for International Distance Education”. Audio-conference presentation to University of Wisconsin training program for corporate trainers. March 1st, 1995
” Obtaining Interaction by Audio-conferencing.” Audio-conference presentation to Swedish Defence College of Management in Ostersund, Sweden, Nov 9, 1994
“Evaluation of Promising Practices.” Audio‑conference presentation from the British Open University to the Western States Symposium on Distance Education, Los Angeles, Ca, July 12, 1994.
“Distance Education and International Education at Penn State.” Talk (with Dr. Gary Miller) by video‑ conference to the NAFSA Association of International Educators in Miami, FL, June 3, 1994.
“A Distance Education Approach for Training for Demobilization in the Russian Armed Forces”. Audio‑ teleconference talk to Russian‑Swedish conference at Defense College, Ostersund, Sweden, Feb 24, 1994.
“Distance Education in International Education”. Audio presentation to students and faculty at Emporia State University, Kansas. Oct. 4, 1993.
“Distance Education Design and Teaching Techniques”. Audio and computer conference series from Penn State for armed forces groups in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Jan 14/28; Feb 18; March 11, 1993.
” Teaching by Teleconference”. Three 2 hour audio‑conferences from Penn State with computer conference support, to the Swedish Defence College of Management sites in Karlstad and Ostersund, Sweden. Sept‑Nov, 1992
“Designing and Teaching by Teleconference”. Six three hour audio‑conferences with computer conference support presented to sites in Umea, Stockholm, Karlstad, Ostersund, Sweden. May‑Sept, 1992.
“Audio Conferencing in Distance Education”. Audio presentation from Penn State to “New Media Technology and Education” conference, University of Karlstadt, Sweden. March 11, 1992.
“Distance Education Theory.” Audio‑conference talk to graduate seminar in educational technology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada March 2, 1992.
“International Teleconferencing”. Audio‑conference to audience at Lahti Research and Training Centre, Finland, on the occasion of opening their audio conferencing system, Feb. 14, 1992.
“Developments in Distance Education.” Audio‑conference talk to graduate course, University of Wisconsin Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, Oct. 30, 1991
“An Overview of Distance Education Research”. Presented on satellite television to twelve sites in Indiana from Purdue University, Oct. 9, 1990.
” Future Issues in Distance Education”. Video‑conference for National University Teleconference Network delivered from Oklahoma State University, April 27, 1989.
“Concept of Distance Education”. Video‑conference presentation for New Jersey Network (PBS) delivered from Patterson, NJ. Jan 9, 1989.
“Collaboration with American Distance Education”. Experiment to test international linkage by audio-conference, linking classes in Pennsylvania with groups in Finland, United Kingdom, Venezuela, and Canada. Nov 19, 1988
“International Adult Education”. Series of audio-conferences from U.K Open University to University of Wisconsin-Madison. Aug. 1984.
“Overview of Adult Education Research in England”. Slow-scan video conference presentation from Oxford, U.K. to University of Wisconsin-Madison, probably the first ever trans-Atlantic educational video-conference. Sept. 22, 1980.