
1970 Survey of Fundamental Education in the Coast Province of Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of Cooperatives and Social Services. 142 pp.

1971 The Open School. Coauthored with C. Wedemeyer and C. Woods. Madison, WI: The Governor’s Commission on Education. 52 pp.

1972 Learner autonomy: The second dimension of independent learning. Convergence Fall: 76-88.

1973 Towards a theory of independent learning and teaching. Journal of Higher Education 44: 661-679.

1973 Speculations on a definition of independent study. In Proceedings of a Conference on Independent Learning. Vancouver, Canada: W.K. Kellogg Report No. 7. pp.25-41. ERIC #ED285573.

1975 Cognitive style and telemathic (distance) teaching. ICCE Newsletter 5(4): 3-10.

1976 A model of independent study. Chapter II in Investigation of the Interaction between the Cognitive Style of Field Independence and Attitudes to Independent Study among Adult Learners Who Use Correspondence Independent Study and Self Directed Independent Study. Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ann Arbor, University Microfilms No. 76-20, 127.

1977 A model of independent study. Epistolodidactica (United Kingdom) 1: 6-40.

1980 On a Theory of Independent Study. ZIFF Papiere No. 16. Hagen, West Germany: FernUniversitat. 27 pp.

1980 Continuing education and the assessment of learner needs. Teaching at a Distance 17: 26-29 (U.K.)

1980 Independent study. In R. Boyd and J. Apps, (eds.) Redefining the Discipline of Adult Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 16-31.

1981 Educational telephone networks. Teaching at a Distance 19: 24-31 (U.K.).

1981 Needs assessment: A further comment. Teaching at a Distance 19: 52-59 (U.K.).

1981 Correspondence education in the light of a number of contemporary teaching models; a review. Distance Education 2(1): 91-97.

1983 On a theory of independent study. In D. Seward, D. Keegan, and B. Holmberg, (eds.). Distance Education: International Perspectives. London: Croom Helm, pp. 68-94.

1983 Self directed learning and distance education; ZIFF Papiere 48. Hagen, West Germany: Fernuniversitat. 33 pp.

1983 Counseling in teaching at a distance: A bibliography. Milton Keynes, U.K: Open University Regional Academic Services. 48 pp. ERIC #ED284534.

1983 Selected abstracted articles on counselling in Teaching at a Distance. Proceedings: Workshop on Counselling in Distance Education. pp. 65-85. Manchester: Open University.

1984 The individual adult learner. In M.Tight (ed.). Adult Learning and Education. London: Croom Helm, pp. 153-168.

1984 Education for adults: Concepts of adult education. 73 pp. Milton Keynes, U.K.: The Open University Press.

1984 The campus and the community. In Education for Adults: The Institutions. Milton Keynes, U.K.: Open University, pp. 23-43.

1985 Adult learning at a distance. In Proceedings: Effective Teaching at a Distance. Madison, WI: Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, pp.7-45.

1985 Distance learning: The near future. In Proceedings: Effective Teaching at a Distance Conference. Madison, WI: Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, pp. 70-88.

1985 Current research in distance education. Epistolodidactica. (U.K.). Summer, pp. 35-62.

1977-85 Editorials and reviews in Teaching at a Distance, U.K., Volumes 10-26.

1986 Learners and learning at a distance. In Proceedings: Second Teaching at a Distance Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, pp. 8-45. (For PDF file, click here.)

1986 Self directed learning and distance education. Journal of Distance Education (Canada) 1(l): 7-24.

1987 Distance learning in the United States: The near future. Distance Education (Australia). 8(1): 36-46.

1987 The Concept and Practice of Distance Education. In C. Klevins (ed.), Methods and Materials in Adult and Continuing Education, Klevins Press. pp. 121-130.

1987 Learners and learning at a distance. The International Council for Distance Education Bulletin, 14: 59-65.

1987 Teaching through print media. In J. Niemi and D. Gooler (eds.), Technologies for Learning Outside the Classroom, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 41-50.

1987 University distance education of adults. Tech Trends 32(4): 13-18.

1987 Developments and issues in distance education. Proceedings of the Interservice Correspondence Exchange 11th Annual Conference, pp. 181-189. Gunter Air Force Station, Alabama.

1987 New technology: Lessons from the Open University. Proceedings of Sixth Annual Conference on New Technology and Higher Education. Division of Continuing Education, Kansas State University, pp. 224-230.

1987 Growth and structure of distance education by B. Holmberg. A review. International Journal of Lifelong Education 6(4): 339-341.

1988 Lessons from the Open University. Ed: The Distance Education Report 2(1): 14-16.

1988 Trends and issues in American distance education. In D. Sewart and J. Daniel (eds.), Developing Distance Education. Oslo, Norway: International Council for Distance Education. pp. 312-314.

1988 Growth and structure of distance education by B. Holmberg. A review. Journal of Educational Television (U.K.) 14(3): 231-234.

1988 Foundations of distance education, by D. Keegan. A review. Open Learning 3(3): 56-57.

1988 Una nueva vision de los principios de la educaciÛn a distancia. Informe de Investigaciones Educatives. Caracas, Venezuela. 2(2):171-200.

1988 Universidad a distancia para educàö de adultos: part 1. Correio de Belamira No 24:27-30 (Brazil).

1988 Universidad a distancia para educàö de adultos: part 2. Correio de Belamira No 25:6-9 (Brazil).

1989 Recruiting and retaining students in distance education. In P. Cookson (ed.), Recruiting and Retaining Students in Adult Education. New Directions in Continuing Education 41. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, pp.89-98.

1989 Distance education, a learner’s system. Lifelong learning. 12(8): 8-11.

1989 Moore, M., and Clark, G.C. (eds.) Readings in Principles of Distance Education. University Park, PA: The American Center for the Study of Distance Education. 105 pp.

1989 Moore, M., and Clark, G.C. (eds.) Distance Learning and Instruction. University Park, PA: The American Center for the Study of Distance Education. 143 pp.

1989 The theory of distance education: some recent literature. In A. Tait (ed.) Interaction and Independence: Student Support in Distance Education and Open Learning. Cambridge, U.K. Open University, East Anglia Region. pp. 150-167.

1990 Recent contributions to the theory of distance education. Open Learning 5(3): 10-16.

1990 Correspondence study. In Adult learning methods. Ed. M.W. Galbraith. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Co. pp. 345-365.

1990 Management of distance learning. In T. Hausen and T. Postlethwaite (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies Volume 2. Oxford: Pergamon Press

1990 Moore M. (ed.) Contemporary Issues in American Distance Education. Oxford, Pergamon Press. 419 pp.

1991 Moore M., and M. Thompson. Teleconferencing: An American Contribution to Distance Education. An introduction and overview of literature of its effectiveness. In Two-Way Communication in Distance Education. Ed. H. A. Wilmersdorfer. Hagen, FernUniversitat.

1991 Moore M., and M. Thompson. The Effectiveness of Distance Learning: A Summary of Literature. University Park, PA: The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.

1991 Computer conferencing in the context of theory and practice of distance education. In A.J. Miller, ed., Applications of Computer Conferencing to Teacher Education. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University.

1991 Distance education in the U.S.A.; and Perspectives on the future development of distance education. In Rekkedal, T., Johnsen, B., and Blom, D. Distance Education a Developing Method. Oslo: The Norwegian State Institute for Distance Education and the NKI Publishing House.

1991 Developing cooperation between institutions internationally. ICDE Bulletin 27: 24-33.

1992 International aspects of independent study. In Watkins, B. and S. Wright (eds.), The Foundations of American Distance Education: A Century of Collegiate Correspondence Study. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.

1992 Kansainvälinen etäopetus. In I. Hein and R. Larna (eds.), Lähellaä, Kaukana, Yksin, Yhdessä. Helsinki, Finland: Painopaikka Hakapaino Oy.

1992 Esimerkkejä maailman etäopetusjärjestelmistä. In I. Hein and R. Larna (eds.), Lähellaä, Kaukana, Yksin, Yhdessä. Helsinki, Finland: Painopaikka Hakapaino Oy.

1992. Review of Distance Education: The Foundations of Effective Practice by J.R. Verduin and T. A. Clark. In The Journal of Higher Education 63(4): 468-72.

1992 Distance education in the schools. In Encyclopedia of Education. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.

1992 Teleconferencing in distance education. Istruzione (Italy), 1(2): 61-71.

1993 Que tan eficaz es la educaciÛn a distancia? In Memoria Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rica), 21-41.

1993 Los siete pecados capitales de la educaciÛn a distancia. In Proceedings of International Conference, University of Guadalajara, Mexico.

1993 Theory of transactional distance. In D. Keegan (ed.), Theoretical principles of distance education, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 22-39.

1993 Distance education at post secondary level. In B.R. Clarke and G. Neave (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Higher Education, Vol. 2. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

1993 (Dec) Is teaching like flying? Part one. Education Satellite, pp. 10-11.

1994 (January) Is teaching like flying? Part two. Education Satellite, pp. 7-9.

1994 “Is there a cultural problem in international distance education?” Proceedings of conference on Internationalism in distance education. Penn State University.

1995 Research Trends, Directions and Needs from a U.S. perspective. In Lockwood, F. (Ed.) Open and Distance Learning Today. London. Routledge.

1995 “Offering Penn State’s Certificate in Distance Education to Four Countries by Teleconferencing.” Proceedings of International Council for Distance Education World Conference, Birmingham, U.K., The Open University.

1996 Distance education: A systems view. With Greg Kearsley. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. ISBN 0-534-26496-4.

1998 Distance education: A systems view. Published in Korean by Yae Ji Gak Publishing Company. ISBN 89-488-0613-0.

1998 Introduction to distance learners in higher education. In Gibson, C., Distance Learners in Higher Education. Atwood Publishing.

1998 Distance education in USA. In Hobsons Directory. Hobsons Publishing Co. London, UK.

1998 Distance Education: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia.

1999 Distance education: a systems view. (In Chinese). Taiwan. Unalis Corp.  ISBN 957 22 3156 1

2000 Moore, M.G. and G. Cozine. Web-based communications, the internet, and distance education. University Park, PA: The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.

2000 Moore M.G. and N. Shin (eds)  Speaking Personally About Distance Education. University Park, Pa. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education.

2000 Tips for the manager setting up a distance learning program. In Mantyla, K. (ed) . The ASTD Distance Learning Yearbook. New York, McGraw Hill.

2000 Three types of interaction. In Mantyla, K. (ed). The ASTD Distance Learning Yearbook. New York, McGraw Hill.

2001 Moore M.G. and J. Savrock (eds)  Distance Education in the Health Professions. University Park, Pa. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education

2002 A Personal View: Distance Education, Development and the Problem of Culture in the Information Age. In Reddy, V. and S Manjulika (eds) Towards Virtualization: Open and Distance Learning. New Delhi. Kogan Page, India. P633-640

2002 Distance Education. In Foster, L., B. Bower and L. Watson (eds) Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ASHE Reader Series. Boston.  Pearson Custom Printing

2002 Moore, M.G. et al: Information and Communication Technologies in Distance Education.  Moscow.  Institute for Information Technologies in Education.

2002. Moore, M.G., and A.Tait (Eds) Open and Distance Learning: Trends, Policy and Strategy Considerations. Paris, UNESCO.

2003 Program for In-Service Teacher Qualification. In Strategies for US-Developing country Collaboration in Distance education. Washington DC Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development.

2003 Moore, M.G. and W. Anderson, (eds.) Handbook of Distance Education. Mahwah NJ. Erlbaum Associates. 872 pp

2003: The Application and Implications of Information Technologies in

Postsecondary Distance Education: An Initial Bibliography. National Science Foundation . Available at:

2003  From Chautauqua to the Virtual University: A Century of Distance Education in the United States. Columbus Ohio, ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Education. ERIC ref ED482357

2004 Distance education: A systems view. (In Japanese). Tokyo, Kaibundo Publishing Company.

2004 The Wedemeyer Connection: Open Learning, Fall 2004. 319-328

2004 The Current State and Challenges of International Distance Education Research. Education Research: No. 5, Oct. 2004 Shanghai, pages 4-7

2005 Moore, M.G. & G. Kearsley. Distance Education: a Systems View. Second Edition. Belmont, Ca. Wadsworth Publishing Company

2005 Foreword in: Bonk,C. and C. Graham. Handbook of Blended Learning Environments: Global Perspectives, Local Designs. San Francisco Ca, Pfeiffer Publishing.

2005 Michael G. Moore, Kay Shattuck and Aisha Al-Harthi. “Cultures meeting cultures in online distance education”.  Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society. Milan, The Italian e-Learning Association Journal, Issue 1 – No. 2 – September

2005 La educacion a distancia en los Estados Unidos: estado de la cuestion. In: Master International en e-Learning:aplicacion de las TIC en educacion y la formacion. Barcelona. Universidad Oberta Catalania

2006: Using New Technologies in Open and Distance Learning. (2006, Dec.) Open Education Research. Vol.12 No.6 pp 16-20

2006 Professional development, graduate study and research. In Tulloch, M., S. Relf and P. Uys (Ed.), Breaking Down Boundaries: International Experience in Open, Distance and Flexible Learning. (46-56). Bathurst, NSW, Australia: Open and Distance Learning Association.

2007 Moore, M.G. (Ed). The Handbook of Distance Education. Second Edition. Mahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

2007: The Theory of Transactional Distance. In M.G.Moore (Ed.) (2007) The Handbook of Distance Education. Second Edition. Mahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp. 89-108

2007: Critical Minds for a Change. In Burge, E.J. (Ed.) (2007) Flexible higher education: Reflections from Expert Experiences. pp 120-126. Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education.

2007: Foreword to: Dron, J. Control and Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose. Hershey, Pa. Information Science Publishing

2007 “The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research”
Distances et Savoirs Vol 5/3 pp.427-457

2009 The Bottles are New but what of the Wine? Managing Learning and Teaching in Web 2.0. In Bernath, U., Szűcs, A., Tait, A, and M. Vidal: Distance and E-learning in Transition – Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges. Published by ISTE and Wiley.

2012 Moore, M.G., & G. Kearsley. Distance Education: A Systems View, 3rd Edition. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth.

2012 Moore, M.G. (Edit). The Handbook of Distance Education. Third Edition. New York. Routledge.

2012 Continuing education and distance education: a marriage of convenience The University of the Fraser Valley Research Review volume 4 : issue 3 (Winter, 2012/2013) 1-15

2014 From radio to the virtual university: reflections on the history of American distance education. In Distance Education in China. Open University of China. Beijing, PRC

2011-16: Series Editor: Distance Education and Online Learning. Sterling VA, Stylus Publishing. Forewords in each book in the series.

2019: MGMoore and W. Diehl (Eds.) The Handbook of Distance Education. Fourth Edition. New York, Routledge.

2022 Moore, M.G.  From Correspondence Education to Online Distance Education. In: Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer, Singapore.

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